
Vividbooks jsou digitální učební pomůcka a je možné je zakoupit z příspěvku od MŠMT v rámci Národního plánu obnovy.

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The textbooks include:



Vividbooks fully cover the curriculum for teaching physics in primary school. All materials are in accordance with the RVP curricullum)



The worksheets help to test the acquired knowledge and frame the material.



The textbooks contain everything you need for modern and meaningful science teaching.

Sample documents for download

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What makes our Physics unique?

Lessons that inspire students to think

Vividbooks lessons are based on an active approach to learning. Students do not passively receive information but discover it together with the teacher.

Animations bring science to life

The animations aim to introduce students to the topic and present physical laws, quantities, and formulas in an illustrative way, using practical examples.

Explain less, ask more

The questions in the lessons are not just to test your knowledge, they encourage children to find their own solutions and to debate. Even an incorrect answer can spark class discussion and lead pupils to the correct answer.

Workbooks and teaching text

There are workbooks with exercises to frame the material, and the platform includes a teaching text that replaces traditional textbooks.

Augmented reality brings learning to life

Try augmented reality with your students to make your lesson more interesting! We are also preparing interactive quizzes and homework to make revision more fun.

Does your device support augmented reality?

All materials in one place

With Vividbooks, you will find everything you need for teaching physics. We've prepared all the materials and handouts for you, leaving more time for your students.

How much does a Vividbooks textbook cost?

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With Vividbooks you can teach Chemistry too!

Vividbooks don't only help you teach physics. See what our chemistry textbooks look like, which you can now buy on sale at a discounted price!

170 lessons 40 workbooks 800 questions

More about chemistry

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